What is a Beef Tri-Tip Roast?
One of our favorite beef cuts, the Tri-Tip is a triangular shaped roast cut from the bottom sirloin. This cut is a West Coast favorite that is gaining popularity throughout the United States. This two to three pound flavorful and lean roast is best when grilled or roasted.
My favorite way to cook a Tri-Tip is to salt, pepper, and grill. Slice it against the grain and serve with a garden fresh salad.
Ready to be a Backyard Chicken Tender?
Should I Start Backyard Chickens? Ever get the idea to have your own mini homestead? Drawn in by the allure of a full basket of colourful eggs laid by your... Read More
What is Charcuterie? char·cu·te·rie | \ (ˌ)shär-ˌkü-tə-ˈrē \ : a delicatessen specializing in dressed meats and meat dishes also : the products sold in such a shop Nowadays, when people... Read More
More than Meat: A Quick Guide to Buying Beef Nose-to-Tail
So you’re new to buying from your local farmer and you’ve heard whispers about the benefits of buying nose to tail but have no clear direction on what to do... Read More