For all the meat lovers out there, why not sign up for a meat club of the month?

Enjoy premium cuts of meat delivered straight to your doorstep on a monthly basis. The joy of unboxing and discovering new flavors every month will be sure to satisfy your carnivorous cravings. Keep reading to learn more about the box options we have available.

High-Quality and Premium Cuts Delivered Monthly.

With the Meat Club of the Month, you can expect to receive high-quality cuts of meat ranging from budget cuts to premium dry-aged steaks. You'll have access to a variety of pasture raised meats such as beef, pork, and poultry straight from our family farm. Whether you're a grilling enthusiast or a home chef looking for new inspiration in the kitchen, our meat club is sure to excite your taste buds and take your culinary adventures to the next level.

Customize Your Deliveries to Fit Your Preferences.

One of the benefits of joining our meat club is the ability to choose your own preferences when it comes to what meats you receive. We understand that everyone has their own unique taste and dietary restrictions, which is why we offer customization options. You can choose to receive only beef if that's your preference, or exclude certain meats if you don't eat them. Additionally, you can select the frequency of delivery that works best for you, whether it's monthly or bi-monthly. This level of customization ensures that each box is tailored to your specific needs and desires, making your unboxing experience even more exciting and satisfying.

Join Now and Get Extra Perks as a Member.

By joining our ultimate meat club of the month, you will not only receive high-quality meats delivered straight to your doorstep on a regular basis, but you'll also get some extra perks as a member. For starters, members get first access to exclusive limited edition cuts that are only available in small quantities. Additionally, members enjoy discounted pricing on all farm club boxes and access to the "members only" discount of the month. Don't wait any longer - sign up now and start enjoying the many perks of being a member of our meat club of the month.

Find more information about Farm Club HERE!