So you’re new to buying from your local farmer and you’ve heard whispers about the benefits of buying nose to tail but have no clear direction on what to do with the non-meat portions of your order. Maybe you’re even unsure if the non-meat parts are really worth the money.
If that’s you, you’ve landed in the right spot! Let’s briefly explore the benefits of not only buying local, but also buying nose to tail.
When you purchase a cow from Midwest Prime Farms, you're not just buying meat—you're embracing a lifestyle that values sustainability, quality, and community. And I’m not just saying that, the care, attention, and quality that goes into raising livestock on a small scale farm as opposed to commercial productions is unmatched, and the results speak for themselves.
"Nose to tail" isn't just a trendy phrase; it's a philosophy that encourages us to use every part of the animal, reducing waste, and maximizing the value of your purchase. If you've ever considered buying an eighth, quarter, half, or full cow, here's why buying nose to tail is the way to go.
The Benefits of Buying Local
We’ve all heard the phrase “buy local” but what is the real impact. I could go on at length about how much money stays in the community when you buy local, or buy from small businesses (by the way, it’s almost 70% of your spending when you buy from a small business as opposed to 4% when headed to the big box stores … but that is an aside), but you are literally investing in the health and well-being of your family. Buying beef from a local farm has numerous advantages. First and foremost, the meat is healthier. Straight up. When you buy from a farm you know exactly where your food comes from. You can see how the animals are raised, ensuring they are treated humanely and are free from unnecessary antibiotics and hormones. Local farmers often prioritize pasture-raised or grass-fed practices, leading to healthier and more flavorful meat. It’s a win-win. You get the best quality meat, you support the local economy, and you get the benefit of all the “bonus” parts of the cow.
Why Go Nose to Tail?
Sustainability: You know the saying, waste not want not. Well the same is true when buying beef. There is so much more to a cow than a few good steaks and some ground beef. Diving into the world of nose to tail is like opening up a treasure-trove of health benefiting, ecologically sustainable, budget friendly benefits.
Economic Value: I’m not going to lie, there is always a little bit of sticker shock when it comes to buying an eighth, a quarter, or a full cow. And it makes sense, you’re buying a years worth of meat in a single shot. When you break it down, however, the cost per pound is almost unanimously cheaper than the grocery store and the meat you’re getting is far superior. Not only that, when you buy a cow you’re getting a variety of cuts of meat, from steaks to roasts, ground beef to briskets, and everything in-between (or at either end I should say).
Nutritional Benefits: One of my top benefits of buying nose to tail is that you are getting a full spectrum of nutritional benefits from the cow. Different parts of the cow offer various nutritional benefits. For example, organ meats are incredibly nutrient-dense, providing high levels of vitamins and minerals that aren't as prevalent in muscle meats, tallow - the fat rendered from the cow, aka the bovine version of lard, is a fantastic cooking partner and is highly coveted as a beauty and skin care regime. That’s right, beef fat on your face - don’t knock it til you try it.
Culinary Creativity: This may just be the most overlooked option but I tell you, when you learn to cook nose to tail you embrace your inner Ma Ingalls and you’ll feel like you could take on Master Chef. Embracing nose-to-tail eating encourages you to explore new recipes and cooking techniques. You'll learn how to braise, roast, and stew different cuts, creating a diverse array of delicious meals.
What to Do with Non-Meat Inclusions
At this point I’m going to assume that you are tracking right along with me and you are all in on the benefits of buying nose to tail. It’s possible you’re still wondering what to do with the non-meat parts of your order (I will point out that many farmers will allow you to choose if you want the fat, the bones, and the organs and trust me, if you pass on them there are many people who will jump at getting access to the quality parts).
Aside from the traditional cuts of meat, a cow provides a host of other valuable products that are often overlooked.
Beef tallow is a versatile fat with a high smoke point, making it perfect for frying, roasting, or sautéing. It's a healthier alternative to many processed oils and adds a rich, savory flavor to dishes. You can also use tallow to make homemade soaps, candles, or moisturizers, taking advantage of its natural moisturizing properties.
Like I said, beef fat on your face is not a trend, it is life changing and if you haven’t jumped on board the tallow train you really need to consider it. I promise, you won’t smell like a walking sirloin and your skin will thank you. It’s like the Frank’s Red Hot of skin care, you can put that fat on everything.
While probably one of the more obvious, non-meat items, beef bones are a treasure trove of nutrients. Not only are they chalked full of marrow (which, admittedly is an acquired taste … or texture) they are precisely what you need to stock your pantry or freezer with delicious and nutrient packed bone broth. Bone broth is rich in collagen, which supports joint health, skin elasticity, and gut health.
Organs (and tail)
Here is where people get a little more iffy, organs. Organ meats, also known as offal, are highly nutritious and can be a delicious addition to your diet. Whether you pan fry them, simmer them on low for the day to make a stew, or you despise the taste so you dehydrate them and put the powder into capsules, the benefits of organ meat cannot be overlooked.
Yes, it is awkward being handed a bag with a massive cow heart in it (did you know that the average cow heart is 4 pounds and you can eat the whole thing!) … but the health benefits are unmatched.
It may just be time to conquer the squeamish ick of not wanting to eat nose to tail and embrace the “crunchy” lifestyle a little more, unless better hair, skin, nails, libido, energy, health etc. don’t interest you.
Buying a cow nose to tail from a local farm is a rewarding experience that connects you to your food and community. You'll enjoy high-quality, flavorful meat while supporting sustainable practices and reducing waste. By exploring new culinary possibilities with every part of the cow, you'll discover a newfound appreciation for the art of cooking and eating. So, why not take the plunge and experience the many benefits of buying nose to tail? Your taste buds—and your wallet—will thank you.